FEMA and other key agencies have announced this year’s International ShakeOut Day is October 16, when millions of people worldwide will participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home!
At 10:16 a.m. (local time) on 10/16, you can join more than a million people across the Central U.S. practicing earthquake safety. While we encourage you to participate with everyone, you can register your ShakeOut drill for any day of the year, and drill at a time of your choice.
National Sponsors
Federal Emergency Management Agency
United States Geological Survey
Each ShakeOut region may have additional or different sponsors.
National Partners:
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are organized in each Official ShakeOut Region by a wide range of local and national partners (see menu above).
The Southern California Earthquake Center, an earthquake science and education center headquartered at the University of Southern California oversees global coordination and manages all ShakeOut websites (except in Japan).
Federal Emergency Management Agency
United States Geological Survey
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
Earthquake Country Alliance (Created ShakeOut in Southern California in 2008, and coordiantes California participation and global messaging)
Central United States Earthquake Consortium (Coordinates Central U.S. and SouthEast ShakeOut regions)
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH)
Source: News feed